Planetary Rendezvous


Planetary Rendezvous is a 4 star Light Cone of The Harmony path. This light cone artwork featuring Asta, 4 star character and lead astronomer from Herta Space Station.

PathThe Harmony
Rarity4 Star
SourceStellar Warp


Departure – Upon battle entry, if an ally deals the same DMG Type as the wearer, DMG dealt increases by 12/15/18/21/24%.

Planetary Rendezvous
Planetary Rendezvous

Light Cone Description

She had no idea what to expect when she first started out on this journey.

All she knew was that she could at long last be rid of the judgemental eyes and petty bickering of her family.

She felt she finally understood what the poet was trying to say.

“One day, we would grow wings and forget what it was like to walk.” The light in her eyes became the glittering stars.

Planetary Rendezvous Upgrade Materials

Here’s all material required to upgrade this light cone from level 1 to 80:

  • 308,000x Credit
  • 15x Thief’s Instinct
  • 3x Harmonic Tune
  • 9x Ancestral Hymn
  • 15x Usurper’s Scheme
  • 12x Stellaris Symphony
  • 12x Conqueror’s Will

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