Lynette character name has been around since before Genshin Impact get released. She appear along with Lyney as character who representing Fountaine in Genshin Impact introduction trailer.

With all recent leaks and finally official information, it’s finally confirmed that Lynette using sword as weapon and anemo vision. Lynette and her brother are magician and you both their skill and ultimate seems representing that aspect.
Based on the trailer, it seems that Lynette is dps or subdps anemo character. She have running animation like Yelan, turning into shade of wind that will increase her running speed. Can’t wait to get her to use as dps with Faruzan as support.
Preparing Materials for Lynette?
Lynette is new character from new region Fountaine so most of her material will be obtainable after the region got released. For now I’ll just list the entire materials both for ascension and talents.
Lynette Ascension Materials
Listed below is all materials required to ascend and level her up from level 1 to level 90 (maxed):
- Lumidouce Bell x168: Local specialty of Fountaine, tranquil violet flower that can be found in the north of the Court of Fountaine.
- Novel Spare Clockwork Component — Coppelia x46: Boss material dropped by Icewind Suites, field boss in this new region.
- Anemo elemental gemstones : Vayuda Turquoise Sliver x1, Vayuda Turquoise Fragment x9, Vayuda Turquoise Chunk x9, and Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone x6

- Meshing Gear x18, Mechanical Spur Gear x30, and Novel Dynamic Gear x36: Common materials dropped from Clockwork Meka enemy in Fountaine.
- Total mora for ascension: 420.000 mora.
- Exp books: hero’s wit x414, Adventure Ex x13, and Wanderer Advice x16. Obtainable from event, chest, and blue leyline outcrop.

- Total mora for level up with exp books: 1.672.000 mora
Lynette Talent Materials
All materials used to level up Lynette talent from level 1 to 10. 3 more levels can be gained by unlocking certain constellation.
- Teaching of Order x9: Brown talent books, used to level up from level 1 to 2 in 3 talents.
- Guide to Order x63: Grey talent books, used to level up from level 2 up to 6 in 3 talents.
- Philosopies of Order x114: Yellow talent books, used to level up from level 6 to 10 in 3 talents.
- Everamber x18: Boss material obtainable from Epep Weekly Boss in Sumeru. Each talent require 6 boss materials.

- Meshing Gear x18, Mechanical Spur Gear x66, Novel Dynamic Gear x93 : Common materials obtained by defeating Clockwork Meka enemy in Fountaine.
- Crown of insight x3: Talent materials required to upgrade talent from level 9 to 10, only obtainable from major in game event and some level upgrade location reward (Tree of Dreams, Dragonspine Tree, etc)