Tulaytullahs Remembrance is 5 star catalyst with CRIT DMG substats. Obtainable from limited weapon banner, and tailor made for Scaramouche or The Wanderer. A bell
Blackcliff Agate is 4 star catalyst with CRIT DMG substats. This catalyst is part of Blackcliff weapon series, obtainable from Paimon Bargain Shop for 24
Kagura’s Verity is 5 star catalyst with CRIT DMG substats. It’s Yae Miko signature weapon, fit her aestetically and compliment her kit well. Recommended to
Jadefalls Splendor is 5 star catalyst with HP substats. It’s support weapon, made for Baizhu only. And yes, it’s not that great. Kinda dissapointing considering
Everlasting Moonglow is 5 star catalyst with HP substats. Obtainable from limited weapon banner, this weapon is best weapon for Kokomi healer and dps build.